The Ultra Sterasyl® replacement ceramic filter is for use in the SS Gravity Filter System is WRAS-approved and consists of a ceramic micro-filter outer shell with granular activated carbon and heavy metals removal media.
The ceramic formulation contains silver to inhibit the growth of bacteria on the ceramic element.
The Ultra Sterasyl® filter is handmade by UK professionals to reduce common contaminants like bacteria, chlorine, organics such as pesticides and herbicides, lead and some pharmaceuticals. It is designed to significantly improve the clarity, taste and odour of drinking water.
The Ultra Sterasyl® filters are manufactured in an EPA-registered establishment.
Recommended Filter Replacement Cycle is every 6 months.
SS Gravity Filter Replacement Information :
The Ultra Sterasyl® Water Filters, manufactured in the UK by Doulton, are the original ceramic filter manufacturers and a globally trusted brand. They have been updating their groundbreaking filter design since 1826 and are a UK ISO accredited company offering independently and regularly tested water filters.
Certifications held with NSF, WRAS, Lucideon and many more.
The Ultra Sterasyl® ceramic water filter is inspired by nature and made from natural raw materials to deliver superior flow rates in the SS Gravity Water Filter for reliable ceramic filtration technology – without the removal of naturally occurring minerals from your water.
This filter produces safe and tasty filtered drinking water with up to 99.99% removal of common contaminants such as bacteria, sediment, rust particles, particles, microplastics, heavy metals (including lead); pharmaceuticals, oestrogen, chlorine and more.
The Ultra Sterasyl® filters are suitable for cleaning, to restore the flow in high-turbidity water areas. We recommend a gentle, evenly applied buffing with a scouring pad until the whiteness of the ceramic returns. Rubber gloves are recommended to be used during cleaning and NEVER use soap or detergents. If rubber gloves are not worn, we recommend that you wash your hands before and after servicing the filter. Ensure that the end of the plastic mount does not come into contact with unfiltered water.
It is suggested to replace your ceramic filter every 6 months.
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